Ponavadi prevetrim dan in noč; z besedami, idejami in dejanji. Lovim valove, se predajam potem, prepustim vetru in raziskujem oddaljenost, ki me osvobaja. Ob tem pa se navdušujem nad vsem lepim in presežnim. Kruh si služim
s koncepti, idejami, scenariji, razvijanjem zgodb, navduševanjem in poslovno komunikacijo. Sem event manager, snovalec, večni dizajner in prodajalec svežih konceptov.
Takhi Trails je specializirana agencija v Ulaan Baatarju. To so srčni ljudje s pomočjo katerih ti nomadstvo zleze pod kožo.
Living tomorrow
i want to be freer tomorrow than i am today. free to do or not to do nothing. free to live both days and nights as the whim takes me. free to talk, to write, to remain silent, to leave or to stay.
Be a Traveler
Slow is beautiful. Why moving less and seeing more is the new mantra for today's traveler.
words of the week
There is no rush to find any answers, because we are the answer; no hurry to go anywhere, because there is absolutely nowhere to go.